Web evolutiva y aplicaciones web progresivas

Administador • 7 de febrero de 2018
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Las WPAs (progresive web apps) o aplicaciones web progresivas, son un paso adelante en la mejora de la experiencia de navegación del usuario . No es de extrañar que Google haya sido uno de sus principales impulsores y que redes sociales como Twitter ya hayan puesto en marcha su versión para mejorar la eficiencia de su plataforma, en cualquier tipo de dispositivo. Pero la eficiencia de las aplicaciones web progresivas dependen en gran medida de la optimización de nuestro sitio web y de su evolución , por lo que es preciso prestar atención a este último aspecto si queremos sacarle el máximo partido.


Como su nombre indica, las tecnologías necesarias para poner en marcha este tipo de aplicaciones se basan en la web y hacen uso de las tecnologías de los navegadores para ofrecer un mejor rendimiento frente a las apps nativas. Entre sus cualidades, nos encontramos con la posibilidad de crear un icono en el escritorio, recibir notificaciones push o la posibilidad de utilizarlas sin necesidad de conexión a Internet.

WPAs offer higher performance with lower resource consumption . This translates into a minimum page load time, even in devices that have less storage, RAM, etc. Taking into account that in more than half of the mobile visits there are dropouts for loading times of more than 3 seconds, the integration of a progressive web application improves the browsing experience and the possibilities of increasing the conversion rate.

Loyal customers or regulars to our website already feel identified with the brand and prioritize the opening time of the platform to a lesser extent. On the other hand, new users will have this aspect much more in mind and this is where the progressive web applications show their value, since they help to attract new clients with a superior performance in web browsing.


To make the most of the advantages of progressive web applications, it is necessary to comply with some prerequisites in terms of optimizing our platform. In this sense, the usability and the design of the website are fundamental aspects to take into account, before preparing to create the first WPA.

The Evolutionary Web of QDQ Media or Web Step , complies with these and other premises. First, their designs are adapted for any type of device (Responsive Web Design) and use the resources most demanded by users as photo galleries and high quality videos.

Personalization is another of the remarkable values ​​of Web Step, incorporating a wide range of colors for design, different fonts and Call to Act buttons that facilitate online conversion.

As the name suggests, it is an evolutive website that adapts to the habits and preferences of Internet users at all times. This is possible thanks to its periodic analysis through a / b and heat maps, which allow to analyze elements, sections and the design of the website, with the aim of improving it until the  user’s browsing experience is really satisfactory .

It is a type of web account with Big Data analysis, with which all the data stored, thanks to this tool, guarantee a high level of precision when creating websites. The Big Data allows to predict behaviors , to the point of being able to anticipate the new trends that are about to arrive.


La entrada Web evolutiva y aplicaciones web progresivas se publicó primero en QDQ Media.

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